The story of our company began in 2000, when we opened our first factory with own production under the ARMATURY Group brand at Dolní Benešov. We have just extended the long tradition and history of production of industrial valves in the Opava and Hlučín Region beginning in the middle of the last century. Thanks to the merger of three companies operating in the Czech Republic and Slovakia in the field of production, sales and servicing of valves, we have acquired not only a valuable capital but also a lot of experience that we are constantly moving forward. Today our company specializes mainly in the production of industrial valves, technological units and related services. Wide range of goods, quality of production, customization according to customer requirements, and human approach make us a sought-for partner for a number of small and large companies not only in the Czech Republic. 70 % of our products go to countries all over the world. ARMATURY Group is a part of Vexve Armatury Group, which is the leading European provider of valve solutions for the energy sector. The group is owned by long-term oriented owner-operator DevCo Partners Oy.
Employees on
Projects Completed
in 34 Countries